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secretIphigenia, 60 y/o

From Searching for a Man

I'm a Woman

Searching for a Man

My Age is 60

My BodyType is Slim

My Ethnicity is Caucasian

I'm From

My Relationship Status is Single

I Work as Executive Manager

About secretIphigenia

I’m married and not looking for another man in my life. But my hubby is aware of my high(er) sexual needs and desires and my desire to play outside the marriage. Luckily we love each other so much that he can fully encourage it! He is a true business man and gets his kicks from his business. He is away from home frequently and when he comes home he really is tired after working for 11 hours straight or so which I can totally and fully understand. So yes I may be a married woman but I don’t think that should stop me from having a good time when it comes to sex. So I would like to have a good time with the right sexy handsome std free man. Will I find him here is the question!

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